Leadership and Team
A skilled and knowledgeable board of directors governs Tulare Basin Wildlife Partners, providing leadership and expertise on conservation and education projects in the Tulare Basin. The board is responsible for the overall affairs of the organization including: supervision, direction, and control of its business transactions; maintaining thorough and correct records of the corporation's financial activities; and ensuring compliance with established business and conservation practices. The board adheres to a Code of Ethics and Standards for Business and Conservation Practices, adapted from the Land Trust Alliance Standards and Practices.
Our Leadership and Team will be evolving over the course of the next two years. Please check in regularly for updates and email [email protected] with any questions.
Our Leadership and Team will be evolving over the course of the next two years. Please check in regularly for updates and email [email protected] with any questions.
Board of Directors
A skilled and knowledgeable board of directors governs Tulare Basin Wildlife Partners, providing leadership and expertise on conservation and education projects in the Tulare Basin. The board is responsible for the overall affairs of the organization including: supervision, direction, and control of its business transactions; maintaining thorough and correct records of the corporation's financial activities; and ensuring compliance with established business and conservation practices.
Robert B. Hansen, TBWP President, is a premier field biologist with 27 years of experience in the Tulare Basin. He served as a field biologist and regional land steward for The Nature Conservancy of California for nine years (1981 to 1990), is a biology instructor at the College of the Sequoias in Visalia, CA, and is principal of Hansen's Biological Consulting. Through his company, he conducted bird surveys and nest monitoring at agricultural drainwater evaporation basins for private drainage districts in Kings, Kern and Tulare counties from 1994 to 2004. He managed field surveys and document preparation for Habitat Conservation Plans (HCP), including the Pleasant Valley HCP in Fresno County, the Kern Fan HCP in Kern County, and others in Tulare County. Widely respected as a professional biologist and conservation leader throughout California, Mr. Hansen serves as an advisor on a variety of regional projects. During 2003, he participated as a member of the science advisory committee to Merced County during an analysis of habitat and special status species impacts related to the establishment of the new UC Merced campus. In 2005, he worked on the science advisory committee that reviewed the Yuba/Sutter County natural communities conservation plan (NCCP) and HCP. He serves as a director of Sequoia Riverlands Trust and was co-founder of that organization. Mr. Hansen received a B.S. and an M.A. in biology from California State University at Fresno.
Larry Saslaw, TBWP Vice President, is a wildlife biologist who worked for the U.S. Bureau of Land Management in Rawlins Wyoming and then in the Bakersfield BLM office until 2011. Larry’s duties included those of an interdisciplinary team member developing land use plans, habitat management plans, National Environmental Policy Act Environmental Impact Statements and Environmental Assessments, habitat assessments and monitoring protocols, designing and implementing wildlife habitat improvement and restoration projects, and implementing wildland fire management and prescribed fires. He has experience in developing individual and programmatic consultations under the federal Endangered Species Act and designing and implementing survey, take avoidance, minimization measures for several state and federally listed endangered animals. As a wildlife biologist he conducted wildlife habitat and population monitoring and helped in BLM’s public outreach.Currently, Larry works part time as a Research Technician for the California State University, Stanislaus, Endangered Species Recovery Program participating on a variety of small mammal and San Joaquin kit fox habitat and distribution studies. Larry has worked with the Tulare Basin Wildlife Partners and the Tulare Basin Working Group since the formation of these organizations.
Nancy Bruce, TBWP Director, is Lead Teacher at Circle J -Norris Ranch, an outdoor education campus of SCICON operated by Tulare County Office of Education. For more than 30 years, Nancy has been active in both formal and informal education as a field science instructor in Yosemite National Park, an instructor in the Colorado and South Africa Outward Bound programs, a Naturalist for Jefferson County Open Space Parks in Denver, Colorado, and a lead teacher for SCICON in Tulare County. Nancy believes the foundation for community, family and individual well-being is healthy, resilient, intact ecosystems. She works to foster projects that maintain and enhance ecosystems while meeting the needs of society. Nancy earned her B.A. in Communicative Disorders and Sciences and M.A. in Speech Pathology and Audiology SUNY at Buffalo. She lives in Springville with her husband Mark Aspery -- a blacksmith and author. Together, they enjoy bicycling, canoeing, bird watching and the challenge of achieving a green household. She serves on the boards Springville Public Utility District, Tulare County Treasures, and River Ridge Institute.
Denise Kadara, TBWP Director, currently serves as a member on the Tulare Lake Basin Disadvantaged Community Water Study – Stakeholders Oversight Advisory Committee (SOAC) and is president of the Allensworth Progressive Association, a non-profit organization. She spent more than 25 years working as senior planner, senior management analyst, and consultant for the cities of Los Angeles and San Bernardino and the county of San Mateo. Her expertise includes housing, community and economic planning and development, and policy and implementation. She received her education in urban/regional planning and public administration from the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona and University of La Verne. She retired and moved to Allensworth in May 2010 where she now devotes her time to making Allensworth a better place for residents and visitors. Since 2010, she has focused on community issues pertaining to water quality, distressed housing conditions, youth/leadership development, environmental justice, and economic development.
Bruce A. Roberts, Ph.D, TBWP Director, is currently the J.G. Boswell Chair of Agronomy in the department of plant sciences at California State University at Fresno, where he has taught since 2004. Dr. Roberts's research interests focus on crop and soil ecology, specifically, integrating ecological principles in crop and soil management practices to achieve sustainable goals of modern agriculture. He previously served for 21 years as the County director and agronomy farm advisor, Emeritus for the University of California Cooperative Extension in Kings County. He also worked for five years as a research agronomist for Basic Vegetable Products in King City and Hanford, California. Throughout his career, Dr. Roberts has promoted integrating agricultural practices that enhance wildlife habitat and resource conservation. Following restrictions on agriculture drainage, he initiated a U.C. workgroup that brought together diverse groups to resolve issues about wildlife use of drainage water in the Tulare Lake Basin. He has authored or co-authored more than 100 publications on agronomic crop research and extension recommendations. Dr. Roberts earned his undergraduate degree in plant science from California State University at Fresno; an M.S. in plant science from Utah State University, and a Ph.D. in ecology from the University of California at Davis.
Cindy M. Quezada, TBWP Director | pro bono Deputy Director, Central Valley Immigration Collaborative. Cindy’s career has bridged the worlds of foreign policy, international development, civil society and academia. She specializes in creating regional and national
science, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems to solve global development challenges. In her various positions, Cindy has brought together diverse partners across countries and disciplines to strengthen the human capital pipeline, foster global scientific collaborations and form innovative partnerships to tackle the toughest problems at the food-water-health nexus. Her regional expertise spans the Middle East, North Africa, the Nile Basin, Latin America and the California Central Valley. Cindy obtained a BS in Biology from UCDavis, an MSc in Chemistry from Oxford University and a PhD in Biochemistry and Biophysics from the California Institute of Technology.
Francisco Escamilla, TBWP Director, is an Intern at the outdoor education program SCICON, operated by Tulare County Office of Education. The SCICON intern program in intended to help teach the participants all of the aspects of facilitating and operating an outdoor education program upon completion. Francisco earned his B.S. in Agricultural Education from Fresno State and became associated with the TBWP in the Spring of 2017 when he joined the planning committee for the Alpaugh + Allensworth Work Based Learning Program, and eventually became the OnSite Coordinator. Francisco has joined the TBWP board as the Next Generation Leadership board member.
John Austin, TBWP Director, is a Southern farm boy who grew up and spent much of his life in the Colorado Rockies though he has now lived in the foothills of the Sierra since 1999. John earned degrees in geology, forestry, and economics. Before retiring from the National Park Service in 2014, John spent over 41 years working for that agency as a social scientist, natural scientist, planner, construction project supervisor, division chief, and program manager; all fun jobs. He spent the last part of his Park Service career working for Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks as a natural resource program manager and jack-of-all-trades.That often included working with the park’s partners in regional and watershed planning. In his spare time, he has spent the last five years researching the Tulare Lake Basin’s flood, drought, and water use history. The 500-page book that came out of that effort earned a five-star rating from Amazon. This is one of five peer-reviewed publications for which John was the sole author.
Matt Hurley, TBWP Secretary/Treasurer
Safeeq Khan, TBWP Director
Jeff Powers, TBWP Director
Program Advisors
TBWP advisors bring decades of expertise to help guide the organization's conservation efforts, strengthen partnerships, implement restoration projects, and bring new resources to protect habitat for people and wildilfe.
Jesse Bahm – Area Biologist, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Fresno, CA
Leigh Bernacchi, Ph.D. – UC Water Program Coordinator/ UC Sierra Nevada Research Institute, Merced, CA
Kayode Kadara - East Bay Environmental Engineer (retired), Chair – Deer Creek Storm Water District, Director – Tri-County Water Authortiy Groundwater Sustainability Agency, Allensworth Community Leader, Allensworth, CA
Timothy Keldsen – Supervisory Wildlife Biologist, Atwell Island Project Manager, Bureau of Land Management, Bakersfield, CA
Ruth Ostroff – Assistant Coordinator, Central Valley Joint Venture – USFWS Region 9, Sacramento, CA
Erin Tennant – Environmental Scientist, Central Valley Region Office, CA Department of Fish and Wildlife, Fresno, CA
Matt Hurley - Tulare Basin region SGMA expert
Jesse Bahm – Area Biologist, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Fresno, CA
Leigh Bernacchi, Ph.D. – UC Water Program Coordinator/ UC Sierra Nevada Research Institute, Merced, CA
Kayode Kadara - East Bay Environmental Engineer (retired), Chair – Deer Creek Storm Water District, Director – Tri-County Water Authortiy Groundwater Sustainability Agency, Allensworth Community Leader, Allensworth, CA
Timothy Keldsen – Supervisory Wildlife Biologist, Atwell Island Project Manager, Bureau of Land Management, Bakersfield, CA
Ruth Ostroff – Assistant Coordinator, Central Valley Joint Venture – USFWS Region 9, Sacramento, CA
Erin Tennant – Environmental Scientist, Central Valley Region Office, CA Department of Fish and Wildlife, Fresno, CA
Matt Hurley - Tulare Basin region SGMA expert
Financial Advisors
Gil Aguilar, Pine, Pedroncelli & Aguilar - Visalia (monthly accounting, IRS and CA tax return services)
Andy Paulden & Osvaldo Gutierrez, Brown Armstrong CPAs (2014 audit)
Louis Martin, Morgan Stanley Wealth Management - Visalia (public and private source funds accounts management)
Andy Paulden & Osvaldo Gutierrez, Brown Armstrong CPAs (2014 audit)
Louis Martin, Morgan Stanley Wealth Management - Visalia (public and private source funds accounts management)
Implementation Team (Consultants)
Dezaraye Bagalayos, TBWP Administrative Affairs Manager, is pursuing a B.S. in Biology and has studied under College of the Sequoias instructor and TBWP Board President, Rob Hansen. She has several years of experience in community organizing with Delta Keeper and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) 790 in Stockton, CA. Her experience and interests in environmental justice make her a great fit for helping the TBWP deliver on projects and activities that will improve the quality of life for residents of Alpaugh and Allensworth.
Carole K. Combs served as Secretary Treasurer and Executive Director since the founding of the TBWP and brought conservation organization development and management expertise gained from almost 30 years working in communications, government relations and fundraising with The Nature Conservancy in Arlington, Virginia (1979 - 1996), the Monterey Institute of International Studies (1996-1999) and non-profit organizations in Tulare County, California, and surrounding counties (1999-present). She served as volunteer executive director of the Kaweah, Tule Oaks, and Four Creeks land trusts, and led the merger of these three organizations to form Sequoia Riverlands Trust from 1999 to 2001; she served on the board of directors until 2005. She is the founding coordinator of the Tulare Basin Working Group and, along with the other board officers listed here, is a founder of TBWP.
Richard M. Moss served at TBWP Vice President for 13 years and is a Registered Professional Civil Engineer and currently the vice president for water resources at Provost and Pritchard Engineering Group, Inc, a civil engineering consulting firm based in Visalia, California.
Michelle Selmon, M.S. served as DWR Climate Change Specialist/Sr. Environmental Scientist and TB WCC coordinator June 14, 2014 through Feb. 9, 2018; beginning Feb. 12, 2018, she is DFW Environmental Program Manager.
Jihadda Govan served as the BLM-Atwell Island Project Manager and was a TBWP program adviser for 4 years facilitating the implementation of several educational projects and programs serving the rural communities of southwest Tulare County. She now manages the Sand to Snow National Monument for the US Forest Service.
Niki Woodard was a pivotal member of the TBWP team for five years serving as Communications Specialist. Her work included the creation of the Land Use & Natural Resource Integration (LUNRI) guide and she authored seven of the eight "One Watershed" series of articles. She now works for the Center for Climate Protection as the Communications & Marketing Director.
Sarah Campe was an instrumental member of the TBWP team for seven years, serving as the Tulare Basin Working Group Coordinator, and also as the TBWI Assistant Watershed Coordinator. She now works for the Sierra Nevada Conservancy as the South Subregion Area Representative.
Bobby Kamansky contributed significantly to TBWP conservation planning and project efforts as a consultant between 2006 and 2010. He is principal of Kamansky's Ecological Consulting and project manager for the Southern Sierra IRWMP.
Steve Laymon, Ph.D, served the TBWP for more than six years as a very important advisor on restoration projects, namely the Atwell Island Project, for which he served as Project Manager. He now works with the US Fish and Wildlife Service in Sacramento.
Johanna Lombard served the TBWP as its Communications/Outreach Specialist for four years while running her own business, Big Trees Marketing. She is now Writer/Editor for publications for the Grand Canyon National Park.
David Mitchell served on the TBWP Board for five years as its Treasurer.
Bea Olsen (USFWS Biologist, retired) served as a member of the TBWP Board of Directors from 2009 to 2011. She has made invaluable contributions to the BLM Atwell Island Project and Tulare Basin Working Group from the inception of both. Bea now serves as Board Chair of the Sierra Foothills Conservancy.
Carol Sellers Herbert (retired attorney and farming executive) retired from the Board of Directors in 2015.
Tom Stanton (attorney, retired) served as a member of the TBWP Board of Directors from 2012-2014. As a board member, he brought to the TBWP the perspective of an active waterfowler in the Goose Lake area. He continues to be active with the Tulare Basin Wetlands Association.
C. Jeff Thomson (international produce grower and distributor) retired from the Board of Directors in 2015. TBWP thanks Jeff for his years of service.
Richard M. Moss served at TBWP Vice President for 13 years and is a Registered Professional Civil Engineer and currently the vice president for water resources at Provost and Pritchard Engineering Group, Inc, a civil engineering consulting firm based in Visalia, California.
Michelle Selmon, M.S. served as DWR Climate Change Specialist/Sr. Environmental Scientist and TB WCC coordinator June 14, 2014 through Feb. 9, 2018; beginning Feb. 12, 2018, she is DFW Environmental Program Manager.
Jihadda Govan served as the BLM-Atwell Island Project Manager and was a TBWP program adviser for 4 years facilitating the implementation of several educational projects and programs serving the rural communities of southwest Tulare County. She now manages the Sand to Snow National Monument for the US Forest Service.
Niki Woodard was a pivotal member of the TBWP team for five years serving as Communications Specialist. Her work included the creation of the Land Use & Natural Resource Integration (LUNRI) guide and she authored seven of the eight "One Watershed" series of articles. She now works for the Center for Climate Protection as the Communications & Marketing Director.
Sarah Campe was an instrumental member of the TBWP team for seven years, serving as the Tulare Basin Working Group Coordinator, and also as the TBWI Assistant Watershed Coordinator. She now works for the Sierra Nevada Conservancy as the South Subregion Area Representative.
Bobby Kamansky contributed significantly to TBWP conservation planning and project efforts as a consultant between 2006 and 2010. He is principal of Kamansky's Ecological Consulting and project manager for the Southern Sierra IRWMP.
Steve Laymon, Ph.D, served the TBWP for more than six years as a very important advisor on restoration projects, namely the Atwell Island Project, for which he served as Project Manager. He now works with the US Fish and Wildlife Service in Sacramento.
Johanna Lombard served the TBWP as its Communications/Outreach Specialist for four years while running her own business, Big Trees Marketing. She is now Writer/Editor for publications for the Grand Canyon National Park.
David Mitchell served on the TBWP Board for five years as its Treasurer.
Bea Olsen (USFWS Biologist, retired) served as a member of the TBWP Board of Directors from 2009 to 2011. She has made invaluable contributions to the BLM Atwell Island Project and Tulare Basin Working Group from the inception of both. Bea now serves as Board Chair of the Sierra Foothills Conservancy.
Carol Sellers Herbert (retired attorney and farming executive) retired from the Board of Directors in 2015.
Tom Stanton (attorney, retired) served as a member of the TBWP Board of Directors from 2012-2014. As a board member, he brought to the TBWP the perspective of an active waterfowler in the Goose Lake area. He continues to be active with the Tulare Basin Wetlands Association.
C. Jeff Thomson (international produce grower and distributor) retired from the Board of Directors in 2015. TBWP thanks Jeff for his years of service.