Tulare Basin Wildlife Partners (TBWP) operates as the "action arm" of the Tulare Basin Working Group, an alliance of more than 70 agency, non-profit and industry partners. Through leadership, advocacy and facilitation, TBWP serves as a catalyst for completing partner-driven projects that protect and restore natural communities in the Tulare Basin. Below is a list of the partners with whom TBWP works to determine, fund, and implement conservation projects:
Naval Air Station Lemoore: www.lemoore.navy.mil
Central Valley Joint Venture (US Fish and Wildlife Service): www.centralvalleyjointventure.org Joint Venture fact sheet
Central Valley Shorebird and Waterbird Monitoring and Evaluation Group (website not available)
US Bureau of Land Management - Bakersfield Field Office: www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/fo/bakersfield
US Bureau of Reclamation: www.usbr.gov
US Congressman Devin Nunes: nunes.house.gov
US Congressman Jim Costa: costa.house.gov
US Congressman Kevin McCarthy: kevinmccarthy.house.gov
US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service: www.nrcs.usda.gov
US Environmental Protection Agency: www.epa.gov
US Fish and Wildlife Service: www.fws.gov
US Senator Dianne Feinstein: feinstein.senate.gov
California Department of Fish and Wildlife: www.dfg.ca.gov
California Department of Parks and Recreation: www.parks.ca.gov
California Department of Conservation: www.conservation.ca.gov
California Department of Water Resources: www.water.ca.gov
Endangered Species Recovery Program (administered by California State University, Stanislaus Foundation): esrp.csustan.edu
Riparian Habitat Joint Venture (state-agency affiliated): www.rhjv.org
University of California at Berkeley, Department of City and Regional Planning: dcrp.ced.berkeley.edu
University of California at Merced, Sierra Nevada Research Institute: www.ucmerced.edu/research/snri
Wildlife Conservation Board: www.wcb.ca.gov
Deer Creek and Tule River Authority (website not available)
Fresno County Council of Governments: www.fresnocog.org
Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District: www.kdwcd.com/
Kern County Council of Governments: www.kerncog.org
Kern County Planning Department: www.co.kern.ca.us/planning/
Kings County Association of Governments/San Joaquin Valley Blueprint: www.countyofkings.com/kcag/
Kings County Planning Agency: www.countyofkings.com/planning
San Joaquin Valley Greenprint: www.fresnocog.org/san-joaquin-valley-greenprint-program
Semitropic Water Storage District: www.semitropic.com
Supervisor Allen Ishida, District 1, Tulare County Board of Supervisors: tularecounty.ca.gov/board
Supervisor Mike Ennis, District 5, Tulare County Board of Supervisors: tularecounty.ca.gov/board
Supervisor Pete Vander Poel, District 2, Tulare County Board of Supervisors: tularecounty.ca.gov/board
Supervisor Ray Watson, 4th District, Kern County Board of Supervisors: www.co.kern.ca.us/bos/dist4
Tulare County Association of Governments: www.tularecog.org
Tulare County Resource Management Agency: www.co.tulare.ca.us/government/rma
Tulare County Water Commission: www.co.tulare.ca.us/government/watercommission
Westlands Water District: www.westlandswater.org
Conservation Strategy Group, LLC: www.csgcalifornia.com
Greenbridges LLC: www.greenbridges.com
Michael Nordstrom, Attorney at Law (website not available)
Paramount Farms: www.paramountfarms.com
URS Corporation: www.urscorp.com
Vollmar Natural Lands Consulting: www.vollmarconsulting.com
Westervelt Ecological Services: www.westerveltecologicalservices.com
Wildlands, Inc.: www.wildlandsinc.com
American Farmland Trust: www.farmland.org
American Land Conservancy: www.alcnet.org
Audubon California: www.ca.audubon.org
California Institute for Biodiversity: www.calalive.org
California Outdoor Heritage Alliance: www.outdoorheritage.org
California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley: www.sjvpartnership.org
California Watchable Wildlife: www.cawatchablewildlife.org
California Water Institute: www.californiawater.org
California Waterfowl Association: www.calwaterfowl.org
Center for Natural Lands Management: www.cnlm.org/cms
Community Water Center: www.communitywatercenter.org
Ducks Unlimited: www.ducks.org
Great Valley Center: www.greatvalley.org
Land Trust Alliance: www.lta.org
National Audubon Society: www.audubon.org
Point Reyes Bird Observatory: www.prbo.org
River Partners: www.riverpartners.org
Self Help Enterprises: www.selfhelpenterprises.org
Sequoia Riverlands Trust: www.sequoiariverlands.org
Sustainable Conservation: www.suscon.org
The Nature Conservancy: www.nature.org
Trust for Public Land: www.tpl.org
Tulare Basin Wetlands Association www.tularewetlands.com
Tulare County Audubon Society: tularecountyaudubon.org/
Tulare County Farm Bureau: www.tulcofb.org
United Way of Tulare County: www.unitedwaytc.org/
US Green Building Council Central California: www.usgbccc.org
Water Education Foundation: www.watereducation.org
Western Rivers Conservancy: www.westernrivers.org
Kaweah Basin Integrated Regional Water Management Planning Group: www.kdwcd.com/kdwcdweb_006.htm
Kern County Water Agency Integrated Water Management Planning Group: www.kernirwmp.com/
Poso Creek Integrated Regional Water Management Group: ftp.water.ca.gov/IRWM-RAP/Poso%20Creek/Attachment%20Files/E%20IRWMP%20brochure_April_09.pdf
Southern Sierra Integrated Regional Water Management Planning Group: www.sierrawaterworkgroup.org/southern-sierra-irwm.html
Tulare Basin Integrated Regional Water Management Coordinating Group
Deer Creek/Tule River Integrated Regional Water Management Planning Group
Kings Basin Water Authority: www.kingsbasinwater.org
Westlands/San Luis Delta Mendota Water District Authority
Tulare County Citizens for Responsible Growth: tccrg.org/site/
Tulare County Conservation History Project
Tulare County Treasures: www.tularecountytreasures.org/
Naval Air Station Lemoore: www.lemoore.navy.mil
Central Valley Joint Venture (US Fish and Wildlife Service): www.centralvalleyjointventure.org Joint Venture fact sheet
Central Valley Shorebird and Waterbird Monitoring and Evaluation Group (website not available)
US Bureau of Land Management - Bakersfield Field Office: www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/fo/bakersfield
US Bureau of Reclamation: www.usbr.gov
US Congressman Devin Nunes: nunes.house.gov
US Congressman Jim Costa: costa.house.gov
US Congressman Kevin McCarthy: kevinmccarthy.house.gov
US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service: www.nrcs.usda.gov
US Environmental Protection Agency: www.epa.gov
US Fish and Wildlife Service: www.fws.gov
- Kern National Wildlife Refuge: www.fws.gov/refuges/profiles
- Migratory Bird Program: www.fws.gov/migratorybirds
- Pixley National Wildlife Refuge: www.fws.gov/refuges/profiles
US Senator Dianne Feinstein: feinstein.senate.gov
California Department of Fish and Wildlife: www.dfg.ca.gov
California Department of Parks and Recreation: www.parks.ca.gov
California Department of Conservation: www.conservation.ca.gov
California Department of Water Resources: www.water.ca.gov
Endangered Species Recovery Program (administered by California State University, Stanislaus Foundation): esrp.csustan.edu
Riparian Habitat Joint Venture (state-agency affiliated): www.rhjv.org
University of California at Berkeley, Department of City and Regional Planning: dcrp.ced.berkeley.edu
University of California at Merced, Sierra Nevada Research Institute: www.ucmerced.edu/research/snri
Wildlife Conservation Board: www.wcb.ca.gov
Deer Creek and Tule River Authority (website not available)
Fresno County Council of Governments: www.fresnocog.org
Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District: www.kdwcd.com/
Kern County Council of Governments: www.kerncog.org
Kern County Planning Department: www.co.kern.ca.us/planning/
Kings County Association of Governments/San Joaquin Valley Blueprint: www.countyofkings.com/kcag/
Kings County Planning Agency: www.countyofkings.com/planning
San Joaquin Valley Greenprint: www.fresnocog.org/san-joaquin-valley-greenprint-program
Semitropic Water Storage District: www.semitropic.com
Supervisor Allen Ishida, District 1, Tulare County Board of Supervisors: tularecounty.ca.gov/board
Supervisor Mike Ennis, District 5, Tulare County Board of Supervisors: tularecounty.ca.gov/board
Supervisor Pete Vander Poel, District 2, Tulare County Board of Supervisors: tularecounty.ca.gov/board
Supervisor Ray Watson, 4th District, Kern County Board of Supervisors: www.co.kern.ca.us/bos/dist4
Tulare County Association of Governments: www.tularecog.org
Tulare County Resource Management Agency: www.co.tulare.ca.us/government/rma
Tulare County Water Commission: www.co.tulare.ca.us/government/watercommission
Westlands Water District: www.westlandswater.org
Conservation Strategy Group, LLC: www.csgcalifornia.com
Greenbridges LLC: www.greenbridges.com
Michael Nordstrom, Attorney at Law (website not available)
Paramount Farms: www.paramountfarms.com
URS Corporation: www.urscorp.com
Vollmar Natural Lands Consulting: www.vollmarconsulting.com
Westervelt Ecological Services: www.westerveltecologicalservices.com
Wildlands, Inc.: www.wildlandsinc.com
American Farmland Trust: www.farmland.org
American Land Conservancy: www.alcnet.org
Audubon California: www.ca.audubon.org
California Institute for Biodiversity: www.calalive.org
California Outdoor Heritage Alliance: www.outdoorheritage.org
California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley: www.sjvpartnership.org
California Watchable Wildlife: www.cawatchablewildlife.org
California Water Institute: www.californiawater.org
California Waterfowl Association: www.calwaterfowl.org
Center for Natural Lands Management: www.cnlm.org/cms
Community Water Center: www.communitywatercenter.org
Ducks Unlimited: www.ducks.org
Great Valley Center: www.greatvalley.org
Land Trust Alliance: www.lta.org
National Audubon Society: www.audubon.org
Point Reyes Bird Observatory: www.prbo.org
River Partners: www.riverpartners.org
Self Help Enterprises: www.selfhelpenterprises.org
Sequoia Riverlands Trust: www.sequoiariverlands.org
Sustainable Conservation: www.suscon.org
The Nature Conservancy: www.nature.org
Trust for Public Land: www.tpl.org
Tulare Basin Wetlands Association www.tularewetlands.com
Tulare County Audubon Society: tularecountyaudubon.org/
Tulare County Farm Bureau: www.tulcofb.org
United Way of Tulare County: www.unitedwaytc.org/
US Green Building Council Central California: www.usgbccc.org
Water Education Foundation: www.watereducation.org
Western Rivers Conservancy: www.westernrivers.org
Kaweah Basin Integrated Regional Water Management Planning Group: www.kdwcd.com/kdwcdweb_006.htm
Kern County Water Agency Integrated Water Management Planning Group: www.kernirwmp.com/
Poso Creek Integrated Regional Water Management Group: ftp.water.ca.gov/IRWM-RAP/Poso%20Creek/Attachment%20Files/E%20IRWMP%20brochure_April_09.pdf
Southern Sierra Integrated Regional Water Management Planning Group: www.sierrawaterworkgroup.org/southern-sierra-irwm.html
Tulare Basin Integrated Regional Water Management Coordinating Group
Deer Creek/Tule River Integrated Regional Water Management Planning Group
Kings Basin Water Authority: www.kingsbasinwater.org
Westlands/San Luis Delta Mendota Water District Authority
Tulare County Citizens for Responsible Growth: tccrg.org/site/
Tulare County Conservation History Project
Tulare County Treasures: www.tularecountytreasures.org/