Tulare Basin Working Group
The Tulare Basin Working Group (TBWG) held its final meeting in May of 2014. Since 2003, the group had been meeting at least twice a year to share information, coordinate new opportunities, and collaborate on conservation projects led by participating organizations. Participants included local, state, and federal agencies, business, industry, non-profits, universities, ranchers, farmers, and private citizens concerned about conservation, agriculture, economic development, and quality of life in the Tulare Basin.
Though the TBWG is no longer convening, similar work is being undertaken by a new collaborative, the TulareBasin Watershed Connections Working Group. The Watershed Connections group was launched by TBWP and is now being coordinated by Michelle Selmon/DWR Climate Change Specialist.
Though the TBWG is no longer convening, similar work is being undertaken by a new collaborative, the TulareBasin Watershed Connections Working Group. The Watershed Connections group was launched by TBWP and is now being coordinated by Michelle Selmon/DWR Climate Change Specialist.
2014 Meetings
May 1, 2014: The spring tour and meeting was held at the Kern National Wildlife Refuge. The meeting focused on the effect that the drought is having on Tulare Basin wetlands and associated species.
Draft Meeting Agenda and Meeting Minutes
Background information on how the drought is affecting wetlands:
Draft Meeting Agenda and Meeting Minutes
Background information on how the drought is affecting wetlands:
- Technical brief: Why water for Central Valley wetlands is important for migratory birds and people
- Summary of the issue from Central Valley Joint Venture
- Objection letter submitted by Grassland Water District and Grassland Resource Conservation District
- Comments on Drought Actions and Potential Impacts to Refuges and Central Valley Wetlands: submitted by The Nature Conservancy, Ducks Unlimited, California Audubon, Trust for Public Land, Defenders of Wildlife, California Waterfowl
- Letter to Governor Brown from Central Valley Joint Venture
- Letter to State Water Resources Control Board from Ducks Unlimited
2013 Meetings
October 24, 2013: The meeting focused on the San Joaquin Valley Greenprint – a regional and comprehensive data collection and mapping effort - and included a breakout session to encourage dialogue between TBWG members and the Greenprint on three data/mapping themes: natural resources, water, and agriculture. Meeting Agenda & Minutes.
May 2, 2013: Spring tour and meeting - Meeting Agenda & Minutes.
Article in Visalia-Times Delta: Creating a Healthy Watershed for Tomorrow
Article in Visalia-Times Delta: Creating a Healthy Watershed for Tomorrow
2012 Meetings
October 26, 2012: The meeting focused on the Tulare Basin Watershed Initiative and the launch of the TBWI website including the SJVRT mapping efforts that could potentially be used as an information resource for the TBWI website. Meeting Agenda & Minutes.
April 26, 2012: TBWG spring tour and meeting - Agenda
Article in Visalia Times-Delta: Partnering for Conservation in the Tulare Basin
Article in Visalia Times-Delta: Partnering for Conservation in the Tulare Basin
2011 Meetings
April 1, 2011: This meeting provided updates on several endeavors, including: CVJV "all bird" and watershed expansion plans, the Ducks Unlimited/California Waterfowl Tulare Basin NAWCA plans, the Tulare Basin IRWM update, and the UC Merced NRS field station at Atwell Island update. Meeting Agenda & Minutes.
October 28, 2011:This meeting focused on water supply needs, from finding funding to maintain existing water supplies to the water supply needs of riparian and wetland habitats. Meeting Agenda & Minutes.
2010 Meetings
October 29, 2010: This meeting focused on reviewing the Tulare Basin Wildlife Partner's Conservation Vision document, the 2007-2009 Annual Report, and the 2011-2014 Strategic Plan. Meeting Agenda & Minutes.